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Captain_Yuri said:

Yea DF does a pretty good job and giving you the best visuals/performance settings.

I think the ones that I have seen a noticeable difference is in Cyberpunk and Control where there's a pretty big difference between non Ray Tracing Settings and Ray Tracing settings.

There are other games that do have noticable differences but aren't as stark as Cyberpunk/Control at Max settings imo. But yea, nothing will be as glorious as the Crysis Days. That game was incredible for its PC killing power.

Holy shit that's horrifying to look at lol.

Yeah 2077 and Control are just those kind of games made with RT in mind, and as a result they stand out a lot when it's on or off. 

Also, a comment on that article stood out to be:

"The dilemma is the more we spend on a graphics card, the more we expect to play it at the latest and greatest Very High or Ultra setting. With graphics cards prices through the roof, the desire to play at max settings will be even higher. (Who wants to spend $500+ and not at least give Very High or Ultra a run?)

We just need graphics card prices to go down so we can be happy with playing “only” at High settings"

I believe that is one important factor that the author never thought to address, because to me that presents a visible issue that's been doing rounds for years now. GPU prices for the beefier cards has been going up, but we're still seeing them not being utilised as often (besides cranking up the res, but afaik we don't all sport 4k monitors, let alone 8k and I think 4-8 isn't worth it over an artist providing us with higher fidelity assets in their games).

The beefier cards should either come down in price (fat chance) or devs should utilise them more, because I think this is only going to pile up as time goes on, to a point where the higher end GPU market is just going to be made fun of, corps, customers and all.

Like I'm fine with going down to high settings, I've got a 1080ti and play at 1440p, but if high ain't cutting it either and there still isn't that much difference visually, I'm going to want to question the devs on wtf they are playing at.

Last edited by Chazore - on 07 October 2021

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"