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IcaroRibeiro said:
Agente42 said:

So the Ps4 software will increase, right? or stabilize? But Ps4 software goes down. And Used ps4 software too.

If PS5 owners are 100% PS4 owners, which I believe them to be, then yeah, they should be in stability as the userbase isn't growing only changing their machine. It's easy to point what is happening, but it needs to be a multi factor analysis, I'm both lazy and busy to make this myself, but for guys who likes to analyze numbers we need three things:

- Compare if sales decrease in PS4 software are mostly from games released in both Switch and PS4. In West, a third party released in both systems are more likely to sells better in PS4 for performance reasons, in Japan where people don't seem to mind graphics and such it will surely sells better on Switch as it is the preferred system. The decrease in PS4 software is then a byproduct of Switch competition and PS5 being nothing but an oversized PS4 isn't really helping to recover the market

- Compare if software sales for PS4+PS5 software not released on Switch (Tales of Arise, RE Village, etc) is somewhat similar to PS4 sales of the last entries, or at least 85% the same, as digital sales are increasing year after year 

- See the software sales for PS5 games only from series that are popular in Japan. So far the only title in horizon that comes to mind might be... Final Fantasy 16 maybe?

I'm not by any means denying Sony is at crisis in Japan and they are surely being destroyed by Nintendo on weekly basis as numbers are proving, however the assertion PS5 hardware is being sold in Japan only to be resold outside Japan is just crazy. I understand the abysmal numbers of PS5 software sales, but instead of looking for PS5 sales we, just maybe, should start looking for PS4+PS5 software sales to see if people are using their PS5 or not

And of course scalping hardware from Japan to elsewhere is a thing, but it happen with almost every console. Switch was surely far more scalped than PS5 is, because Switch releases across the world was much more spread out, including a very 3 years late release in China

I will need a really good argument for Sony purposefully shipping hardware to Japan only for them to be scalped elsewhere, that's basically bleeding money for nothing

first, not true for West. A and AA production sell better on Switch too. Nis skipped Ps4 for Disgaea in the west. You have a dozen examples of indies games sell better on Switch. In the same launch window, you have many examples of Switch have better sales performance. 

Second, the Japanese market doesn´t change your habits because of one console. It´s not normal in any country. The tendency is common ground for all markets. If digital go high in Japan you can see this tendency in all video games, but not the case. Digital-only go high when physical runs out or the game have only digital.  The digital it´s growing, it´s true, but a slow pace compared with another countries ( like UK, US, etc)

The used market in Japan it´s strong and it´s not a big country like the US, Brazil, and Australia. So you find good deals, in the store around the corner. 

Last edited by Agente42 - on 26 September 2021