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Captain_Yuri said:

Meh, I think Mostly Positive is where I more or less expected. You look at something like Watch Dogs 2, that has "Very Positive" reviews and while Deathloop may have issues... It's much more interesting than Watch Dogs and it's generic gameplay. I am sure you can find more examples if you care enough. DF also did their optimized settings which fixes a lot of the issues with Deathloop in terms of performance and Steam Forums does help with issues like this. And I am sure the negative reviews would be much worse if the refund system didn't exist.

For me, I have come to the conclusion that the masses have a different taste than I do a long time ago so I don't really pay that much attention anymore. I am still searching for the glory days of RTS but that sure ain't happening anytime soon. I have a cousin that loves his asscreed and ubisoft games. Every time I talk to him, he's all about that asscreed. He always puts them in his GOTY. I am almost disgusted that anyone in my gene pool has such yawn worthy tastes... Then again, if they saw my hentai games collection... They may be disgusted on my pervertedness... So to each their own as the saying goes. *Unfriends cousin*

I honeatly find most of what Ubisoft makes as being generic, even with half the woke stuff they've been dabbling in. OG Watchdogs had something, but that something ended up not being there and being half arsed, then by WD2 they decided to change it up to being GTA with millennial hackers. 

I do find some youtube reviews being more honest than what user reviews I find on Steam, which is why I wish for Steam user reviews to be a bit more critical instead of overly positive and just ignoring overly visible flaws. 

Tbh, I've always found the masses to being exactly what corps see them as, whales, not that smart, not the types to be critical about something until it's too late or if it absolutely bites their arse real hard. I also find them as being one of the many problems as to why bad practices continue, because they feed and allow them to spread (again, only doing something about it when it bites them real hard in the ass, like the lootbox fiasco with the parents that slept on MT's for nearly a decade). 

Like I love RTS games too, but I loved what Arkane used to make, but now they just seem to be a one trick pony show, only it's less stellar and more mediocre, but the masses seem to be more than happy with their output, and I wanted them to do better than this. I just want the masses to want companies to do better, instead of shrugging and eating from the trough without a word (it's kinda why I just look down on them most of the time, because they just don't care enough).

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"