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gtotheunit91 said:
Slownenberg said:

Ah this is what I've been calling for. Nintendo made the original Online subscription so cheap I think that's what held them back from wanting to adding more systems to it. Now with a premium version of the subscription they can add more systems. Awesome that N64 is finally being added. I figured we would see Game Boy next. And Genesis is a total shock! Hopefully in like a year they add GB and GBA as well so we truly get a complete 'Netflix'-like service of retro Nintendo games. Dropping 9 N64 games and 14 Genesis games at once is pretty awesome.

After almost 5 years, the subscription model is finally getting the systems it needs to be better than the old Virtual Console model. Now this service can just pass over to the next system when it comes out in a few years, allowing all these great retro systems/games to be played from the launch of each system without needing to gradually add everything from scratch like they've had to do the past few gens.

Just praying that Nintendo can somehow get Microsoft on board to allow Rare games on this service as that is like half of the best of the N64 library, although I'm sadly confident that won't happen.

EDIT: Oh dang just saw the games they've already announced coming next: Banjo (maybe we will get to see all those great Rare games afterall!), Majora's Mask, Mario Golf, F-Zero X, and more! I let my Online subscription lapse at the end of last year but I might need to get this premium tier with all these great new games coming!

Nintendo wouldn't have much an issue with the likes of Donkey Kong 64 and with Banjo coming over, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Blast Corps, and Jet Force Gemini might be real possibilities with Microsoft. Idk how Diddy Kong Racing would work since the characters are Rare but the title name is a Nintendo character lol but Microsoft would probably be cool with that. 

The BIGGEST question would be Goldeneye! Nintendo should do everything in their power to make that happen regardless of the cost of licensing lol! Imagine online multiplayer for Goldeneye!! 

Seriously doubt this will happen. Not just with the license with Rare, but the Bond film it's tied too. Seems like a nightmare to me to get it on Switch. You'd be better off getting the better version of GoldenEye...which is Perfect Dark. Now THAT would be fire and more doable than GoldenEye.

PSN ID- RayCrocheron82

XBL Gamertag- RAFIE82

NNID- RAFIE82/ Friend Code: SW-6006-2580-8237

YouTube- Rafie Crocheron