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For the other Supers I feel that they're trying to segment the cards as per performance. Like they probably thought that they made the 3070 too good for value so they'll find ways of reselling the GPU with some minute changes. Same goes for the 3080.

And for them to upgrade RAM - going from high frequency RAM to faster GDDR6X isn't going to give you THAT much more performance that it will touch upon 3080 territory but at the same time they can market it to consumers like the next best thing. Like GDDR6X as a bullet point sounds like upgrade on paper. And ofc a few more cores. And since the 3080 is probably the most sought after card they don't want another 2070 Super situation where there's so little difference between that and a 2080 - which made the latter cards (non supers) redundant.

That and a lot of PC gamers haven't got a 3XXX series card and a refresh will entice people to buy one even though a lot of people know the next generation is coming in the same year.