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I would say its a failure.

I don't think a single bad gen is terrible for a brand. They can build amd improve to set the foundation for a succesfully next gen. Sony did this with the ps3 amd Nintendo twice with the gamecube and Wii u.

The problem with the x1 was that it dint improve in any of the weakeneses that it had. The main was the lack of games and the diminishing quality of the few it had. And the complete focuse on a single region making it unapealing to the rest of the world. MS dint do amything during the x1 life cycle to rectify this and so with the begining of the 9th gen we are still on a purely promise and faith base fan driven vision. That succes we are seing right now is bound to hit a wall if they dont deliver on the goods of the games as its been over 2 years still with no big hits.

And yes all these studio adquisitions where big but none of them saw anything grace the x1 life cycle. So all the fans that waiting and heard Phil lie every year saying wait till next e3 had the gen finish on them and they saw nothing aside od the trio. Theres gona be a lot of salty fans that will not jump on the series of consoles out of disappointment. Gamepass also is no big insentive cuz it dint offer them anything new. Just games they probably already owned or smaller games they probably would skip. Nothing that would make you think I need this now.

So yea I belive it was a failure not because of money made but because as bad as the percetion was when the x1 launched it only got worse with the lack of games over the course of its life and I belive thats gona hurt them in the current gen. People are tired of waiting for next e3.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.