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Chazore said:
JEMC said:

It's nothing but a smokescreen, trying to get some good press to cover all the shit that's coming from the company.

In any case, since Blizzard is doing less and less stuff and Activision only does CoD, it would be surprising to see some changes to their games... unless WW2 soldiers start having purple hair and fight the nazis for only having men in their army.

Isn't CoD already doing that with their female soldiers?. I swear they were taking the same sort of approach as BFV with one of their previous games. 

I haven't played any CoD in ages so I can't really answer, but I think it was Battlefield who put female soldiers with modern hairstyles in BF 1.

hinch said:

Yeah they'll have some diverse new recruits to show how much they 'care'. When this is like more like putting on a good face after all the shit slung at them - and Bobby Kotick as the head honcho in particular.

Its a shame its the direction we're going in. The forced diversity take at corporate level always comes as false and pretentious. Like I can't seriously look at something like this and think its for the good of the company and customers. Like, at all. Not that I'm against hiring anyone but (ironically) moves like this are discriminatory in its own right and not that any self respecting company would say, never mind use as a PR piece.

Sadly, this forced diversity is everywhere and has already caused some incredible facepalm situations, and it won't go anywhere soon.

Please excuse my bad English.

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