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Squilliam said:
makingmusic476 said:
Squilliam said:
@ everyone. Its ironic that the PS3 fanboys have to prove graphical superiority in their own eyes to win the argument whereas the Xbox360 guys only have to prove graphical parity.

@ making music, thats quite an apples/oranges comparison. Uncharted is rendered at 30fps whilst Ninja gaiden runs at 60fps. The comparison is like taking crysis and benchmarking it one an Nvidia 8800gt and then comparing it to an AMD 4850 running COD 4 at a lower resolution running COD IV at 60fps. Its apples to oranges, at least use the same genre to make a comparison with games running at a similar FPS and with similar art styles. So a Halo 3 vs Killzone 2 comparison is out because of the different lighting system used in Halo 3 and the different rendering resolutions whereas Killzone 2 vs Gears 2 is more apropriate since they both render a similar style at the same resolution and frames per second and they both use a depth of field effect to increase the detail of close in objects.

Since both games look amazing and they both haven't been released yet I think that comparison can wait, no?


NGII is 585p.  Uncharted is 720p.  That also has its effect on things.  And he brought up the Uncharted vs NGII bit first.

@NJ5: Uncharted has the best textures of any ps3 game I have yet played, by a wide margin.  I'm not sure what it is, maybe it's the texture streaming system they used, but they are damn detailed.  Yes, the ps3 only has 256mb of ram for the GPU, but not all games use it equally.  All games probably use all of it, but that doesn't keep some games from looking better (in this case much better) than others.  For example, Resistance versus Resistance 2.  The first was definitely maxing the ps3's ram, but the second looks much better.

The textures in Uncharted really are amazing.  You really have to play the game and and aim at stuff to see how damn good they are:

And the screen I posted above also highlighted the awesome textures.  Uncharted's beauty comes from more than just art style.

I think you're both on the wrong track trying to compare the games. Gears of war 1 and RFOM 1 are also good comparisons as they have similar art styles, game styles and they both don't use a depth of field effect. The problem is that they are no longer representative of the quality of each console.

It is true that the PS3s architecture only shines when special care and attention is paid to it. For example, Uncharted uses something like 8 render passes and simply could not be ported as is to the 360. It is so optimized for the PS3. Its not saying that it couldn't be done, its just to draw your attention to the level of optimization going into the game. Furthermore whilst the textures in Uncharted ARE similar, they have also been compared favourably to Crysis but that doesn't moot my previous point that it had a lot of the same textures repeated and thus it isn't as impressive technically as GTAIV which uses a varied texture base.

I have played Uncharted BTW its one of the nicest looking games I have ever played. Its definately one to remember. I have a PS3 btw if you didn't know.

Far Cry 2 is the next best chance to compare the abilities of both systems as its a heavy game and it appears on both systems and it seems to have had a lot of money spent on it with a decent cadre of specialist PS3 coders. 

Praise for the ps3? Never saw this one coming.

On point, multiplat games would continue to look better on 360 as long as they're tailor-made for American gamers' taste (which is where the majority of games fall) because the 360 owns in the US.

However, the EU is the region seeing the largest gamer growth so things may change in the future.


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