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This thread is actaulyl incredibly ridiculous... the graphics comparison on multi platform console games dont matter becuase the will ALWAYS be the same or only have minor differences in shading or deeper colors. what matters is the exculsive game graphics thats what seperates the systems.... and since PS3 has already produced the most beautiful game in console history and one of the the best graphically of all time including PC...... get where im going with this? so yea . 360 games look great and all.. but they can nefver get as good as a ps3 games, and plz dont embarass youself trying to argue this point becasue its true and you know it. Some reasons being.. blueray has a higher capacity disc than a HD dvd PS3 hardware is better. (more complex and difficult to make games for) but has more possibilites than 360.

P.S PS3 has way mroe graphic capability then the 360 will ever have.