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Captain_Yuri said:

Well Timmy said it's coming back to the App store so it certainly sounds like that for now, Epic is gonna get their cake. I think it could look bad on Apple if they were to block Fortnite from coming in and may even look "monopolistic" in doing so. So I get the feeling Apple isn't gonna block Epic even though they would have the right to do so.

Chazore said:

Did the person desinging that recently watch Iron-Man or something?. Yeah, thing looks pretty jank tbh, and looks about as basic stock as you can get. 

I think it's even worse than that. I think it's a stock cooler trying to look edgy which is even worse. Reminds me of:

I still can't help but roll my eyes and laugh when he says "fair competition" and "passing the savings onto the consumer", because most corpos say that shit and it's never truly passed onto us, if anything extra charges are in benefit for the corps.

If he was about fair competition, he wouldn't even be vying for exclusivity in the first place, let alone defending it, and his innate desire to effectively kill all the middle-men in the industry (that guy seriously hates middle-men in general, more than I hate him). 

Also yeah, now that you think about it, that cooler does look like it's trying to be hip with the line of coolers out on the market currently. They should have honestly gone for better performance over the stupid style they chose. I mean we all know that's going to end up as their new stock cooler, but c'mon, at least try a bit harder with it's design lol. 

Third parties seem to put way more effort than AMD/Intel and even Nvidia when it comes to stock cooling designs. It's not like the R&D costs more, because all the third parties out there, much smaller than the big 3 are doing it yearly and they're all doing fine. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"