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Captain_Yuri said:

Those things weren't ever gonna happen regardless and the main thing that Epic was interested in was allowing Epic to use their own payment platforms which started the entire thing.

I don't see how Apple is going to get 30% from every transaction if app developers can now get users to use their own payment platforms. We also don't know if Fortnite is a permanent ban or not.

Epic wanted their own app store and in-app purchases. They complained that if someone had to be redirected to a website they might decide not to complete the transaction.

Apple could very well change it rules that they are owed something from a purchase originating from their ecosystem, maybe not 30%, but still something.

Check the second remedy Apple received. The termination of their agreement was lawful. Sure Apple might allow Epic back, but they will probably make Epic pay through the nose.

People are missing the forest because of a tiny shrub. Sure, Apple lost something, but it might just be something they won't mind losing.