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hinch said:

I feel like they marketed it for the gen-z fortnite players who also play GTA 5/Online, except they won't buy that and still play those two games instead. Its sad that Deep Silver/Voalition just flat out refuse to listen and ignored fans who wanted a Saints Row 2 remake (or something along those lines) and made whatever the hell this is. I mean how is it that the enemies looks more like gangsters than the main crew. I mean the literal story for them getting into crime is to partly

pay off their Student loans.

I shit you not.

It is what it is, the thing is doomed to fail. Since its releasing in 6 months time.

Well, going by what you read in some places, the problem with student loans in the US is quite a big one. I'm not surprised some resort to crime to pay it XD.

Captain_Yuri said:

Western Digital Caught Bait-and-Switching Customers With Slow SSDs

"According to a report from Chinese tech site Expreview, the WD SN550 Blue — which is currently one of the best-reviewed budget SSDs on the market — has undergone a NAND lobotomy. While the new SSD variant performs on-par with the old drive that WD actually sampled for review, once you exhaust the SLC NAND cache, performance craters from 610MB/s (as measured by THG) to 390MB/s (as measured by Expreview). The new drive offers just 64 percent of the performance of the old drive."

There goes another one. Looks like Samsung may be the only company that doesn't do this unless they do this but haven't gotten caught yet. Still as far as historic data is concerned, Samsung seems to be the only reliable company. As I said before though, buying an SSD shortly after it launches will net you the most authentic version of the original ssd. This sorta thing should be illegal.

*sigh* Another one to pu on the not reliable list.

Captain_Yuri said:

Linus tech tips gives a run down of some of the updates that the Beta version of windows 11 has had. Some good, some not so good.

I'm starting to think that waiting until the last moment, like I did with Win7, may be a good option, to leave MSoft time to sort all those small things.

The only problem is that my PC is that I'm not sure when I'll upgrade so... maybe I should buy a Win10 key before it's too late.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.