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Since this thread already gone off topic into the realm of sex work in general instead specifically about onlyfans then on topic of sex workers I highly recommend Kaytlin Bailey Presenting U.S. History from a Whore's Eye view. It a entertaining presentation about the history of Sex work in the USA from about 1830's to present time and shows how sex work have empowered woman throughout USA history. For example the first Public School system in Seattle was funded by Lou Graham a Female Brothel owner. The other main focus is most anti sex work laws in this country origins was based on both sexism and racisms.  Like the first law again sex workers in this country was part of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1866 and the first major law specially targeting sex workers was the White-Slave Traffic Act(Mann Act) of 1910 which basis was fear from the raciest premise that freed slaves was a danger to white woman.

The presentation start around the 10min mark