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Squilliam said:
NNN2004 said:
Squilliam said:
MikeB said:

@ Squilliam

Who cares, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune looks better than anything on the 360 running at 30 FPS as well. Looks != technical impressiveness. Do you take into account the fact that Uncharted uses a lot of the same textures whereas GTAIV uses a lot of different ones and to boot the Xbox360 game is multiplatform. GTAIV is more technically impressive than Uncharted, Uncharted is more artistically impressive.

Ratched & Clank: Tools of Destruction at 60 FPS is technically more impressive than Ninja Gaiden 2. They are different styles of games. YOU ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO COMPARE THEM.

Claims of the 360 being on par with the PS3 technically are false, claims of the PS3 being well more powerful are correct. Funny that the games actually tend to indicate a slight superiority or equality in multiplatform game comparisons on the side of the Xbox360. So theres actually very little proof that the PS3 can show off more powerful graphics.



???!! show me this superiority in one multiplatform game.


Army of Two = 1280x720 (no AA)
Army of Two = 1280x720 (2xAA)

Condemned 2 = 1280x720 (no AA)
Condemned 2 = 1280x720 (2xAA)

Dark Sector = 1152x640 (no AA)
Dark Sector = 1280x720 (no AA)

Fifa Street 3 = 1920x1080 (no AA)

Fifa Street 3 = 1920x1080 (4xAA)

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 = 1280x720
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 = 1280x720 (2xAA)

Grand Theft Auto IV = 1152x640 (no AA)
Grand Theft Auto IV = 1280x720 (2xAA)

LEGO: Indiana Jones = 1280x720 (no AA), 960x1080 (no AA)
LEGO: Indiana Jones = 1280x720 (2xAA)

Top PS3, bottom Xbox360.

Frame rates GTAIV : Test1
Old 360: 31.990fps
Old PS3: 26.460fps
New 360: 31.627fps (3.77% torn frames)
New PS3: 26.504fps

Old 360: 28.624fps
Old PS3: 23.452fps
New 360: 29.233fps (4.26% torn frames)
New PS3: 23.989fps

Old 360: 35.252fps
Old PS3: 29.041fps
New 360: 35.662fps (2.37% torn frames)
New PS3: 29.523fps

Old 360: 26.076fps
Old PS3: 26.081fps
New 360: 26.015fps (6.07% torn frames)
New PS3: 25.803fps

Old 360: 26.712fps
Old PS3: 23.781fps
New 360: 26.507fps (4.9% torn frames)
New PS3: 23.781fps

Old 360: 33.798fps
Old PS3: 28.313fps
New 360: 33.713fps (2.35% torn frames)
New PS3: 28.313fps


Like-for-like comparisons
These tests are taken from the pre-event cut-scenes, generated by the game engine. Aside from the camera wobbling differently, everything is the same.

Test1- BMW Event Intro
360: 30fps (6.72% torn frames)
PS3: 28.226fps (39.52% torn frames)

Test2- Nissan Silvia Event Intro
360: 30fps (no torn frames)
PS3: 30fps (no torn frames)

Test3- Mustang Event Intro
360: 30fps (no torn frames)
PS3: 29.748fps (11.76% torn frames)

In-game tests
Basically the event is allowed to start, car accelerates full throttle until just before it hits scenery. Scenery is like-for-like, car AI introduces a variable here. But with two tests full of cars and AI in effect, it's a decent enough indication of performance cross-platform. Note that in Test5, there are no CPU cars as it's a drift challenge.

Test4- BMW Race Start, accelerate forwards
360: 30fps (v-locked)
PS3: 28.76fps (32.38% torn frames)

Test5- Nissan Silvia Race Start, accelerate forwards
360: 30fps (v-locked)
PS3: 30fps (18.07% torn frames)

Test6- Mustang Race, accelerate forwards
360: 30fps (v-locked)
PS3: 26.722fps (39.79% torn frames)

Methodology then. The fps detector counts the number of duplicated frames in its sample. The actual amount of screen being measured can be preset. To measure a precise fps, only one line of 1280 pixels from the centre of the screen is sampled.

To measure the amount of torn frames, the whole screen is sampled. Dupe frames from this test minus the dupe frames from the one line test are worked out as a percentage of the whole sample. This should work on any 2VBL game, like Race Driver GRID appears to be. Bear in mind that this percentage is of the entire 60fps output of the console, not of the measured frame rate.

In the case of GRID it also appears to be the case that the whole game isn't v-locked on PS3, and the more challenging intro sections on the 360 version can also tear. However, in-game 360 appears to be v-locked.

So how sensitive is the scanner? Will sampling just one line fool the scanner if the actual screen is completely static to the human eye? No, the scanner is actually so sensitive that even when the camera is static and there's no perceived movement at all, we can still detect a 30fps update. Here we are in GRID, at 0mph.


According to your analysis the PS3 is superior than the X360. You pwned yourself.