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I think the Switch will be at 105M at the end of 2021.
I think the successor will launch in 2024, March or holiday.
Here are hypothetical yearly sales:
2022 - 22M
Q1 - 4M
Q2 - 4M
Q3 - 4M
Q4 - 10M
2023 - 17M
Q1 - 3M
Q2 - 3M
Q3 - 3M
Q4 - 8M
2024 - 10M
Q1 - 2M
Q2 - 1.5M
Q3 - 1.5M
Q4 - 5M
2025 - 2-5M


2025 sales depend on how Nintendo handles the system after it's successor has launched.
I don't think it'll go any higher than 160M.
I did think it was guaranteed, but not anymore.
The 2024 sales could also end up lower if Nintendo never makes a price cut, which would lead to it staying behind the DS.

But I still think it has a very good chance at reaching 150M.