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Thursday news, part two:

A huge FPS documentary is in the works, featuring key figures from the genre's history
Just last week, an independent production company called Creator VC successfully raised the funds for the "definitive FPS documentary". Simply called "FPS—First Person Shooter", this documentary wants to be nothing less than the "ultimate celebration of the FPS genre". Once finished, it's supposed to be at least three hours long, and tells the story of the genre from the 1970s to now.

'90s Amiga mascot Zool is being exhumed for reasons unknown
Sumo Digital has now announced Zool Redimensioned will be released soon, a project from its Sumo Academy, and it's kind of half a remake and half not. It says it's been "rebuilt from the ground up for modern audiences" but from the trailer this looks like the same game in HD. I do admire how it optimistically tries to turn the worst element of Zool, the ridiculous difficulty, into a selling point though: "Zool's old school platforming action will challenge the most hardcore gamers!" I mean yeah, it will. Then you'll play something else instead.

Less than one month before launch, New World is delayed again
Less than one month before it was set to go live, the fantasy MMO New World has been delayed yet again. Amazon announced today that based on feedback received during the recent closed beta, it has decided to take a little more time to tighten things up, and push the launch back until the end of September.

Destiny 2 assistant director reassures PvP players that they have not been abandoned
Destiny 2's Witch Queen expansion will be revealed to the world on August 24, but ahead of that assistant game director Joe Blackburn shared some thoughts on the game's PvP mode in a lengthy thread on Twitter. Blackburn said the team has put a lot of work into "plussing up the current Crucible experience," and promised that changes will continue in next season, including in a revamp of the Trials of Osiris mode.

Defensive Activision Blizzard executive deletes her Twitter account
Activision Blizzard chief compliance officer Frances Townsend, who earned the ire of Activision employees and fans with her defensive response to a lawsuit alleging widespread sexual harassment and a "frat boy" culture at the company, has deleted her Twitter account. Townsend pulled the plug after retweeting last week an Atlantic article on "the problem with whistleblowing," which sparked an immediate and furious backlash.
>> What she should do is leave, not delete the proof of her stupidity.

Use your texting skills to catch a serial killer in this detective game
Nothing to Remember is an interactive fiction game that gives off a bit of the same vibe as Her Story. But instead of typing search terms into a fragmented database, you're texting to solve the mystery. Several mysteries, in fact, as there's both a cold case to investigate and a fresh murder to solve. Luckily, there are plenty of suspects, too.

PUBG teams up with hugely popular K-pop group Blackpink
Blackpink is a humongously popular K-pop group best known for songs like 'Kill This Love' (over 1,300,000,000 views on YouTube) and 'How You Like That' (over 900,000,000 views). PUBG is a gritty battle royale shooter that has recently retitled to the inexplicable PUBG: Battlegrounds. You see where I'm going here: Blackpink and PUBG are together at last.

Allegations of 'toxic culture' at acclaimed indie studio Fullbright
Steve Gaynor, co-founder of Fullbright, is no longer creative lead or manager on its current project, Open Roads, though he remains involved as a writer. A report published by Polygon claims that Gaynor was a "controlling" and "demeaning presence" who saw himself as embodying the studio, and who ultimately drove away multiple employees—especially women.

EA doesn’t get enough credit for how it handles acquisitions, apparently
EA CFO Blake Jorgensen reckons the publisher should get more credit for how it handles its studio acquisitions, in a line that's likely to send chills down the spine of anyone still reeling over the loss of countless studios axed by the company.
>>**Double facepalm**

Don't count on Supergiant making a direct Hades follow-up
I'm not sure who expected a Hades sequel from developer Supergiant anytime soon. But while studio co-founder and designer Greg Kasavin hasn't written off the idea entirely, it's probably not worth making plans for a future trip into the Greek underworld.

Here's when you can watch Gamescom's Opening Night Live
We've known for a while that Gamescom would once again be an all digital event. But, as with 2020, that won't stop Geoff Keighley from holding his Opening Night Live. The live 2 hour-long show of upcoming games will take place on Wednesday, August 25 at 11 AM PT / 7 pm BST.

Duke Nukem studio 3D Realms and eight other studios just got bought up
Embracer Group, formerly known as THQ Nordic AB and parent to companies such as THQ Nordic GmbH, Gearbox, and Koch Media, has announced its acquisition of eight more studios for a total sum of SEK 2.7 billion ($313 million USD). The likely most well-known acquisition out of the lot is Danish developer 3D Realms, makers of the Duke Nukem franchise, for an undisclosed sum.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.