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Guess what, it's time for the news:


There's a new Shorter Games With Worse Graphics Bundle on, and it's exactly what it says it is
In 2020, Fanbyte podcast producer Jordan Mallory posted a tweet that not only went viral, but also crystalized a feeling of dissatisfaction that many have about the state of the gaming industry.

As with any good tweet, Mallory didn't elaborate, but anyone familiar with triple-A development knew what he meant. (...)
The Shorter Games With Worse Graphics Bundle aims to be the opposite of those games. There are a lot of true indie games out there made by solo developers or small teams with no publisher and no funding, and generally, is the place to find them.
>> Here's the link:

GOG's new Midweek Sale brings up to 90% discounts on roguelike and rohuelite games until Saturday:

Steam has six new deals, including four Midweek Madness deals:

Fanatical's new Star Deal is Death End Re;Quest 1+2 Bundle, 75% off during the next 48 hours:




Duke Nukem 3D Mod V1.07 for Doom adds new enemies, packs optimization improvements
kipo50 has released a new version of his Duke Nukem 3D mod for Doom/Doom2/GZDoom. Version 1.07 adds more enemies from the DN3D franchise, and packs some optimization improvements.
As kipo50 has noted, this DN3D mod aims to bring the Duke Nukem 3D universe to the doom engine, with enhancements taking inspiration/resources from mods like Dukeplus and others.
>> Available from ModDB.


Far Cry 5 will be free to play from August 5th and until August 8th
Ubisoft has announced that Far Cry 5 will be free to play this weekend. From August 5th and until August 8th, PC gamers will be able to play this latest part in the Far Cry series for free. Moreover, PC gamers can pre-load the free trial starting today.

Here are the PC system requirements for Battlefield 2042’s upcoming beta
Electronic Arts and DICE have revealed the official PC system requirements for Battlefield 2042’s upcoming beta. This beta phase, called technical playtest, will begin on August 12th and will last until August 15th.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.