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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Wow! I can't be this is real!!!

The DS is now officially the best handheld ever, undisputed. I am SO happy I bought this thing, lol.

I got the DQ's that Naz loves, the DQIX, FFTactics A2, The World Ends With You, Phoenix Wright, Hotel Dusk, and FF remakes, and jesus god, Chrono Trigger DS, lol.

Are you kidding me. That's not even touching the other games coming out, like Fire Emblem DS with Marth!

Man, the DS is officially almost as good as the Playstation 2, to me, right now.

Let me get a couple more years of new games and we got a contender for best console ever released.

For me it already is. I can't believe the support the ds gets. It takes games from home consoles. There are games for everybody on it, and I  plan on buying at least 20 this year. I'm so happy with the ds.