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TheRealMafoo said:
HappySqurriel said:
Loud_Hot_White_Box said:
Fishie said:


Gears runs in a higher resolution then MGS4.

1. fanboys of both sides agree, that don't mean shit.

2. MGS4 looks better than GoW, period.



Actually, when you're talking about how powerful hardware is the resolution two games are running at makes a huge difference ...

If you have one game that averages 25fps at 1024x768 and another game that averages 30fps at 1280x720, the first game is rendering 70% as many pixels as the second game so it has (roughly) 140% of the time to render each pixel (assuming identical hardware performance). In other words, small differences in resolution and frame rate can have a large impact on how a game looks.


So if I run EchoCrome at 1900x1080 @ 60 fps, it looks better then Gears of War?


 One could argue artistic merits hahahahaha.


Anyways no it wouldnt but when someone would come and say that Gears of War runs in a resolution echocrome can only dream of said person would be WRONG and that is what this was all about.