mZuzek said:
How are the monologues "a lot" of the story? I only remember there being like 3 or 4 of them over the course of the game. The first one sure didn't strike well, but I warmed up to them over time. I can agree with you that those are a weak part of the story but I didn't find them that bad. I don't agree with your distaste of the A.I. and its twist, though, I thought that stuff was great. Maybe not amazingly written but "awfully" is quite harsh, I thought it was really great how the game made you suspicious of Adam throughout and how that paid off was nice. |
It's 3-4 monologues in a game that's only 4 hours, in a series which is known for basically no dialogue or monologues whatsoever. And I don't think it really matters too much if we consider that as not "a lot" of the story, because when you combine those with the A.I. conversations, the final SA-X fight and the final encounter, that is a lot of the story ... pretty much the most important parts of the story even, give or take a few moments (like the first encounters with SA-X). And those are all fairly poorly done. Great concept, bad execution. Just my opinion though.
Regardless, it doesn't matter too much if we agree on Fusion. The point is, I hope that Dread doesn't suffer from some of the same issues as Fusion (which kind of led into Other M honestly). I'm excited to see where it takes us.