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mZuzek said:
AngryLittleAlchemist said:

I don't really disagree with any of the positives you're listing of the game. Those are all great parts of the game. My issue with it, and again it's just my personal opinion like you said, is that that's probably 50% of the game's story, and only like 25% of how it's presented in in-game length. The monologues just don't seem well written to me - and that's a lot of the story. The A.I. dialogue tends to be bad, and again that twist is awful. The parts that are good are the parts that Metroid always did well - the narrative through gameplay - and even that is somehow fucked up with both the final boss and the final SA-X fight. 

Maybe calling it "awfully written" is a bit far but that's kind of the issue. The concept is so amazing and yet it feels so poorly delivered on, except for the narrative through gameplay stuff that other games already delivered on. It's like they added an extra layer of depth to the series but didn't even do it that well. I will say that the SA-X stuff before the final encounter is very inventive, I definitely give the game credit for that, that's one new element they did well. It's certainly a game of peaks and valleys story-wise. Not gameplay wise though, it always has great gameplay. 

How are the monologues "a lot" of the story? I only remember there being like 3 or 4 of them over the course of the game. The first one sure didn't strike well, but I warmed up to them over time. I can agree with you that those are a weak part of the story but I didn't find them that bad. I don't agree with your distaste of the A.I. and its twist, though, I thought that stuff was great. Maybe not amazingly written but "awfully" is quite harsh, I thought it was really great how the game made you suspicious of Adam throughout and how that paid off was nice.

It's 3-4 monologues in a game that's only 4 hours, in a series which is known for basically no dialogue or monologues whatsoever. And I don't think it really matters too much if we consider that as not "a lot" of the story, because when you combine those with the A.I. conversations, the final SA-X fight and the final encounter, that is a lot of the story ... pretty much the most important parts of the story even, give or take a few moments (like the first encounters with SA-X). And those are all fairly poorly done. Great concept, bad execution. Just my opinion though. 

Regardless, it doesn't matter too much if we agree on Fusion. The point is, I hope that Dread doesn't suffer from some of the same issues as Fusion (which kind of led into Other M honestly). I'm excited to see where it takes us.