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To be fair. Everyone sucks ass at the Direct style of presentation except Nintendo. Nintendo started Direct a decade ago. They are hard to go back to in the old style. It took Nintendo about 5 years to get more to the format we like now. Sony has tried copying it but still does not understand what makes an ND work so well. Everyone is still trying to figure it out on their own. Part of it is bad pacing. Some still continue to show CG trailers with zero gameplay. Some just updates and little else. Maybe just me but one issue is so many devs are not announcing new IPs but more sequels to the same handful of games. Far Cry 600. Halo Infinite. Forza 9000. Ghost Recon 12768765870. Sequels can be fine if balanced with truly new IPs and new ideas. Not just a derivative of everything else out there.

The rest of this show is a look at our FPS. Now our FPS and that FPS. So little variety. I went back to look at E3 2001. Even ignoring Sony, Nintendo, and Xbox talking new hardware. The list of games and how varied it is. It's insane. What happened to that industry? Every 3rd party just does the same 2-3 IPs every year now. I thought for years E3 was on a downward spiral. Getting worse and less relevant. Last year it was gone. Comes back this year as a digital show and.....I'd be just fine if E3 died and never came back. Better to just do some show whenever you feel like you have something to show rather than some specified 3-4 day period in June. Then a lot of stuff is rushed with nothing to show.