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curl-6 said:
archbrix said:

Completely disagree.  So many people remember holding their arm out trying to use the pointer in first person games where your aim is all over the place and yeah, that method does suck.  The second you put your arm down too much your view goes towards the ground.  The correct way to play is to have your arm rested on the armrest of your chair or even a pillow on your lap - where your steadied, resting stance is pointing at the center of the screen at all times.  This allows your subtle wrist movement to be able to navigate the pointer anywhere on the screen perfectly, and with the settings set to the most sensitive aiming mode this method far exceeds dual analogue for me, not just for the accuracy of aiming, but for the liberating feeling of navigation.

And today's gyro-aiming is a pathetic substitute for the accuracy of IR pointing in my opinion.  No wonder it's ignored by most players.

Completely agree with almost all of this, properly used and implemented IR is the best aiming method in gaming bar none. Games like Metroid Prime 3, Sin & Punishment Star Successor, and RE4 Wii Edition feel amazing, going from analogue to the pointer was like going from the D-Pad to analogue for 3D movement.

I disagree about gyro being a poor substitute though; it's not quite as spectacular, but still much better than just analogue, again when properly implemented. I'd never want to play games like Splatoon or BOTW with gyro turned off.

I barely played Splatoon so I don't really remember having much of an opinion on the gyro controls for that but for BOTW they were... serviceable for me, I suppose.  But I can't really imagine using them as the primary aiming/navigation control method in something like Prime 4.  Maybe if they implement them really well like you mentioned, I'll give them a shot again.  Guess we'll find out, since we obviously won't have IR pointer controls anymore.