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Thats hard to say. It may bleed into Holiday sales but I doubt it. i would say sales will see an increase for about 3 to 4 weeks and then decline until the end of October, then seeing another small surge leading into the holidays. At the end of November though, most sony downing enthusiasts are going to be surprised as many consumers will get a PS3 as a Blu-ray player for the home now that the format war is said to have been won. Blockbuster going Blu-ray was a confirmation of this fact moreso than an influencing factor.

Sony also having won the format war will now start to focus marketing on the PS3 specifically, they already have in some areas like the detailed PR videos at Walmart. This will further leverage. Xbox 360 because of its lineup will sell very well as a game machine, but Sony's Blu-ray will push sells very close to the 360 but it might not catch it this holiday. By next holiday though, PS3 will be closing that gap, not because of games but the movie player. Next holiday is the one that PS3 will become a big entity. Wii will keep chugging along like the DS did.