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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Marty8370 said:
Only gamers that are screwed this gen are 360 owner's. Atleast PS3 owners have the choice of upgrade there hard drives with reasonably price standard 2.5" drives. i've just upgraded my PS3 too 320Gb for only 74 pounds.

Keep drinking the cool-aid bro. Any 360 owner can easily get buy with a 20gb model, no problems.

So I guess we can just add that 100 bucks for a new HD to the standard cost of a PS3?


When we get down too it, there was a reason Microsoft imposed a limit on game installs. To stop this sort of thing from happening.

What are we to assume? That the game just can't load fast enough off a BR disc?

Look at DMC4. The loading differences are negligable yet there is a huge install requirement.

When 360 owners don't have to install anything most of the time, but get the same game, whose the one getting screwed.


Now, as for this game requiring an install on the 360, all I can say is it better not be very large, and it probably won't be. However, if it excludes arcade players, then that sucks.

Still, in general, PS3 owners get screwed over on installs far more often.

though i'm pro sony and hate microsoft i have to agree. i hate those fucking isntalls. my 40 gigs down to its last 5gig of space. and i dont feel like deleting an install and having to just install it to play a game.

plus, i call bs on the x360 needing an hdd. this would exclude a lot of arcade users and M$ wont allow that.