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PotentHerbs said:

Sony straight up lying with "we believe in generations" and its a shame

So we are already on page 12 of an utterly pointless thread?

There are over 115M PS4 sold, many of whom are still in use.

First of all:

Do you really think it would be wise for Sony to say: "Hey, 115M PS4 suckers, no more games for you"?

Of course Sony plans to publish all their bread and butter games on the old console, if a good/reasonable roi is achievable. That is a no-brainer. As the active PS4 user base is diminishing in the following years, that plan will be under review. But don't expect Sony to stop producing these games for both generation for the next 2-3 years.


What do you know about how the game will perform on the PS4 and the PS5 none of us knows? Your anger seems to imply it's the same game..

At best, we will get a fully optimised game for the new generation and a fully optimised game for the last generation. More likely, we will see a fully optimised (as can be with current tools) new generation game and a downscaled version for the old generation. Downscaling assets is not miracle technology.

This has nothing to do with "we believe in generations", this is simple financial logic.