IcaroRibeiro said:
I'm finally playing Will of Wisps on Switch. 5 hours in and so far has been a mixed bag experience. I'm sad, because I loved the first game and was left eager for the sequel
The game in unplayable in handheld mode, I was ready to accept the resolution being painfully low if the game at least had consistent framerates. In reality my game is either freezing and or experiencing a huge frame dip every 20-30 seconds, mind you this a metroidvania with a heavy focus in acrobatic platforming, imagine your Ori frozen in the air during a stunt and here you see why you just can't play this portable
Docked is better. Much higher stability in performance and better resolution, but some sections still having drops in framerates. Boss fights can be extra harder if the fame rate starts to dip while you're fighting. My game have crashed 3 times already AKA it crashed EVERY SESSION I'VE PLAYED IT. Leading me to loss some progress each time and rage quit the game 3 days in row
Do yourself a favor and get the PC version or a Xbox version if you can, I'm sure you will have a smoother experience
The game itself is nicely designed, even if too similar to the first one. I think I enjoyed the first game combat better, meele fighting is ok but Ori does not have too many combos or techniques to do with his sword. The orb light attack on Ori was useful to deal with enemies while you were still fixed on walls, I'm missing this
I like the amulet/charm mechanic, remember me Hollow Knight. The fact the world now is populated with side characters, tradesmen or just NPCs to interact makes the experience feels much more alive, I'm finally getting the sense of a culture and civilization existing on this little fantasy world, something that I haven't noticed on the first one
Overall I'm finding this one much much harder. It's not yet quite as hard as the last maps of Blind Forest, but is far more challenging than the first 2-3 maps of The Blind Forest that have a fair share of challenge but were also didactic. It's kinda like the game presumes you played the first one and is familiar with the mechanics, I predict newcomers will have harder time here as you will also collect many skills, double jump and dash pretty early compared to the first game, the difficult jump at start of the game can be stiff and dauting for some players
Boss Fighting so far is a bit bland. I haven't miss bosses in Blind Forest, I would be also ok with their absence on Will of the Wisps
The story does not hold the same urgency or depth of the first game, the idea of Ori looking for a baby owl isn't as engaging or immersive as the epic journey of The Blind Forest
Visually the game is just as stunning, coloring, lighting and animations is freaking awesome, one of the games where you stop to play just for the pleasure of contemplate the artwork (be careful to not stop Ori in a dangerous place full of hazards) |
I also played it on Switch, finished it last week and I'm on the opposite side, I found it way better than Blind Forest.
The port obviously has annoying technical issues, it crashed four times, sometimes the camera stopped following Ori, it froze a few times and it always took way to long for the map to open among other problems, but I didn't experience any noticable framerate drops. Idk, I usually don't notice this stuff.
I was dissapointed by the port, but the game itself is phenomenal.