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I'm going to be a bit more liberal with the word "love" and also include games I just really, really enjoyed. 

REmake 2 - Maybe it's better for Claire as I only played Leon A's playthrough, but almost everything after the final segment of RPD in this game is just boring and bland. It's so sad because the RPD section of REmake 2 is one of the best things of all of last gen, but the last 35% or so just showcases everything wrong with the game in one long stretch. The Mr. X scripted segments that aren't scary or intriguing at all, the story which gets worse to the point of being laughably cliche (I mean come on Ada), the lab puzzle where it was confusing what you were supposed to do and in what order. 

Paper Mario: The Origami King - The desert in this game is so bad it's crazy. The only good parts about it are the music in the city, the dungeon, and the tornado boss fight which seems like a lot, but it's also like a 2.5-3.5 hour segment of the game, given it's one of the major areas, and the actual desert itself is horrible. Ressurecting the towers is horrible, the AI companion is boring, the vehicle controls suck, and the desert is very bland with a lot of areas that amount to nothing. Really disappointing. 

Luigi's Mansion - Ok this is a little bit mean because it's up for debate if it's really a "section" of the game so much as a continuous gameplay element, but the backtracking in Luigi's Mansion sucks. It sucks so much that it almost makes me wonder how people can prefer the formula of 1 to 3, despite the mansion itself being pretty cool. There is pretty much never new revelations from backtracking. All the cues and inspiration Luigi's Mansion took from Resident Evil are skin deep and it ends up being super bland to backtrack because of that. Luigi stays the same slow ass speed even when the lights are on and he knows a room is cleared. You only open one shortcut in the entire game (aside from the mirror trick, which isn't even that helpful in backtracking most of the time because you can't transport back to where you were from the mirror in the main room). Keys are door specific instead of a few keys being usable for multiple doors, which means you always get a notification on where to go every time you pick up a key, not only does this take any fun out of exploration but it means you're always forced to check the map to go to one specific point, and if you forget where to go you have to check because there's only one door where the key is useful. In general exploration in this game is kind of shit. 

Ace Attorney - Case 5 was added in the DS versions of Ace Attorney and kept in every subsequent re-release, it is not the actual ending to the original game. Yet despite never playing the original Ace Attorney till the Trilogy HD re-release on the Switch, I feel the way the story concludes with case 5 is super out of place. To be fair, I actually don't hate case 5 so it probably doesn't make sense to bring it up here, but I hated a lot of it - especially initially. It kind of redeems itself in the second half, but it's super long, and it makes the fatal mistake of kind of using the same exact set up as the legendary Case 4. It even sets up your partner to kind of be a replacement of Maya, only now instead of being kInDa quIrkY tHO bUt pSycHIC, she's KiNDa QuIRKy tHo BuT SciEncE gIRL. It's really annoying how similar the set up is to case 4, and a lot of the characters are a bit irritating initially, but again it is saved in the end, in large part because of the epicness that is GANT and the amazing security officer guy. 

Pikmin 3 Deluxe - The "puzzles" that involve using the 3 captains are mostly a waste of time and require no real micro-management whatsoever. 

Majora's Mask 3D - The Pirate Bay and the final dungeon are some of the worst parts of mainline Zelda ever, and that's really sad because this might just be my favorite and both hit you pretty close to each other. The Pirate Bay is pace breaking and just fucking dull and boring, not to mention it can be a little confusing on your first time. Plus the swimming controls suck, at least in the 3DS version. The final dungeon is fine at first but gets ruined by one weird jump that just seems like something Nintendo would normally never put into a game (?) and a map that's really bad for the type of dungeon it is - it doesn't change when you flip the dungeon upside down. Again, this is kind of a Super Metroid Maridia moment where aside from like 2 things it's pretty easy to navigate the dungeon, but those 2 things that are hard and confusing to find are necessary and it's just annoying that the map is so bad because of them.

Halo 3 - Cortana is one of the worst, if not the worst level, I've ever seen in a videogame. It's sad that the Halo game where Bungie finally made consistently great levels back to back had it's streak ruined by one level - not just any level but one of the most important from a story perspective and the second to last level in the game   .