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Pemalite said:
Eagle367 said:

You guys can talk about religion all you want but this issue is not one religion. It's not judaism or Islam. It's a simple case of settler occupiers and the occupied. The natives suffering and the settlers living it large in the land of the natives

It is entirely based around religion.

Israel believes it is "entitled" to the land because it was given to them by "God" as per the Bible.

dark_gh0st_b0y said:

again, this kind of approach is simply wrong

as I said before, the world's deadliest humanitarian tragedies of all time have been carried out by atheist - 'free thinking' regimes, namely Nazism and Communism, with ~100m deaths each

Let's start with Nazism shall we? That was a war based around religion.
On one side the Nazi's were engaged in antisemitism to wipe out the Jewish religion.

The Nazi's also leveraged religion in order to undermine Judaism.. Hitler was also propped up as a "New Messiah".

Religion was a very big part of that war.

Communism is an economical doctrine... And one could argue full communism hasn't been achieved by any country yet, not even China which has Capitalistic aspects underpinning it's market based economy.

dark_gh0st_b0y said:

...and some of the world's greatest humanitarian efforts have been carried out by religious organizations, e.g. the Catholic church being the world's largest non-governmental provider of education and medical services

the world needs to get rid of extremism

Yes the Catholic Church gives allot, no one denies that.
They essentially have a "Store" in every single town/city/suburb, in every single state, in almost every single country on Earth... And you have people donating regularly... In return they offer various services that aids in indoctrination to keep the donation cycle going, it's a a lucrative business.

But Religion isn't a requirement to help others. - I'm not religious, neither is anyone in my Brigade, my job revolves around saving lives daily.

The Catholic Church can help so many people because they have a large revenue stream from it's paying customers, Governments also give them a free pass on things like Tax (Which I think Church's should pay for) so they have the resources to do it... And often Governments will "Donate" hoards of cash to assist various populations.

But don't kid yourself, there is some abuse that goes on in the Church. - They will often spend up big on campaigns (I.E. Same Sex Marriage) in order to try and turn voters to their agenda, they are very much entwined in American Politics... Heck even Australian politics but to a far lesser degree thankfully.

For example during last years catastrophic bushfire season here, Australians handed over hundreds of millions of dollars to various organisations, many of which were religious in order to assist us Firefighters with basic needs like Food and Sanitation... But also to assist those who needed to rebuild/recover from the fires as well.
Instead the religious organizations "Held back" (And continue to hold) hundreds of millions of dollars arguing "They will spend it later". - As you can imagine, it did result in a shit storm and deservedly so.

There are also plenty of non-religious organizations which help more than any singular church... The United Nations supported World Food Program is one such example and is the largest humanitarian program in existence.

You also have the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation as well.

Point is, religion isn't the requirement to help others, nor is it a requirement in humanitarian efforts either.

Except there's a difference between Israel wanting it to be about religion vs it being about religion. If it was about religion, it paints this historic struggle that has been going on for centuries and that is complex and hard to figure out and solve. And Israel wants that. It doesn't want it not to be about religion because that would show the true face of the so called "conflict." It would show that it's actually about an occupying power taking over native land and oppressing them and squeezing them more and more until they snuff out. Israel doesn't want that. It's one of the oldest tales in the book. A new power comes and occupies land and oppresses the natives. But it's not about religion. Israel uses religion as a tool to promote it's agenda and many palestenians might do that as well to get help from Muslims, but it's not about religion. The central core issue has nothing to do with religion. The superficial clothings of religion are wrapped up around it though.

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also