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I can see Sony releasing day 1 on PC, just not in the current time frame.

As for the whole "PS has no games", I know Xbox got that, but that was a double dose of fanboys on the other side tossing that for years, as well as MS not actually churning out a slew of brand new heavy hitters. Sony isn't going to really fall into the latter factor, but it likely will with the ormer, but a company like Sony won't really care what the minority fanboys from both sides say about PS games going to PC (we've already seen the silly rage fests that happened on Twitter when HZD/DS was announced for PC, and the broken PS4's, Sony didn't care then, they won't now).

Yuri is right though, as it is the most straightforward most logic step to take with the plan of porting to PC. If they kept porting only a few, less stellar titles 3-5yrs after every gen, then they'll be stuck at the same pace they are now. MS started this out last gen at a slow pace, but now they've ramped up to not only day 1, but also PC tailored games as well (AoE IV). I don't see Sony sticking to the current plan till the end of time, it's pure stagnation if anything. 

Last edited by Chazore - on 17 May 2021

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"