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Mar1217 said:

So I've just finished one of the two Famicom Detective Club games and my verdict is a solid 4,5/10. (I played the Missing Heir)

The strongest aspect of the title is without a doubt it's presentation which offers top quality animations, audio, DA in the adventure genre and a solid voice acting cast.
The overall mystery or story of the game is actually quite an engaging quest where your're always surprised by the events ongoing. After the first chapters the story always goes on a nice pacing until it's eventual conclusion which was thankfully satisfying !
At 7-8 hours played, I think it managed the deal to be quite the quality package in the end.

If I had to point out it's weakest aspects, it would be the sometimes archaic ways you gotta traverse conversations or find clues to advance the story with the command system. It isn't always clear what you're supposed to do and although you learn some of the ropes fast enough. I got stuck at two points where what I was supposed to do was completely unclear. This prolly goes with the fact that it was the way Adventure games were back then.

Otherwise, there's really nothing to complain about. Actually, the complete lift over the game received would make it's origin on the Famicom almost unapparent so much so you'd think it's an actual Adventure that could released today with how competent the staff who worked on it is.

A strong recommendation for anyone into adventure games, detective stories or curious about Nintendo past legacy !


It's like the opposite of this video