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Chazore said:
zero129 said:

How would the consoles opening up be a bad thing.. We are from the PC side of things i honestly dont understand how you wouldnt want to finally see the consoles being as open as PC. I hope Epic wins and i hope it blows the doors wide open on the console side of things.

You need to look at the long-term big picture here.

If the consoles are opened up, you risk allowing publishers to become the big 3's competition on an internal level. What's to stop Activision from selling CoD on consoles, but only Via the Acti app on those consoles, where they get 100% of the fees and Sony/MS get zip, that means Activision are fully free to siphon all users on both consoles and get 100% of each cut and nothing for Sony or MS, meaning they are being used for effectively the person outside of a shopping mall with an advertisement bill board hung over their heads.

You also can have situations where a publisher could open up a shop on those consoles and even pull an EGS and buy up shit exclusively to be sold on only those app stores, meaning Epic could set up shop on Xbox/PS, buyout a game, preventing Sony/MS to gain marketing deals/ground, and again, gaining more of the profits from within, denying either console the ability to make much from the usual cut.

We already know the console are sold at a loss half the time (for MS all the time), so take that with the way this outcome would work if Epic wins. Also MS has plans to shove Xcloud onto the other consoles, couple that with every pub opening a store on each console and you're effectively watching some rabid cannibalisation going on. (Shoving Xcloud, MS's very ecosystem into every console is effectively the evolution of their EEE strategy as well)

Think Zero! THINK

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"