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foxmccloud64 said:
mjk45 said:

At least the old bald bigmouth on the left had at one time earned his seat at the top table, and once there when his ego and mouth had finally  morphed into a single entity he had the ambition to not stop at just plain fraud but continued to plumb the depths to become a conman surpassing even the level of a infomercial salesperson.

Most probable next stop, either being seen running down the street with a extra large paper bag covering his head while being chased by a news reporter  shouting have you any thing to say to your victims or having his mug on most wanted. my hunch both.

PS. Sony and MS should enter a bidding war to gain his services to spruik their nextgen games, failing that Sony at least should hire him to explain how great their answer to game pass will be, because I want to hear about a service that not only allows you to play any game ever made and every future game regardless of platform in 16K/240fps that will also come with free online and any streaming costs paid by Sony with no subscription needed and for the first 7 billion users playing  all these games will unlock PS5's secret sauce built in hardware that makes playing games a method of bitcoin mining at the rate of 1 bitcoin an hour and not only that if you used PS Plus you get a guarantee that any drop in bitcoin value will be made up by Sony.

Now if certain people call this out I'm sure he will quickly point out that the fact that the low 16K/240fps figures and only 1 bitcoin per hour show he was in fact engaged in downplaying the  service and not engaging in hype.

It certainly it's a spectacle going and rewatching him on the project Milo trailer, before the kinect was the kinect, truly a great actor being able to say with a straight face all the bullshit he was spewing, but surely there were times when it seemed that trying to promote your console was a competition on who would present the most outlandish crap ever imagined by the marketing department.

The great pity is he was truly a great developer going way back to Populous and he had that rare ability to make more than one hit series.

My late mom bless her soul bought me my first game machine a second hand C64 and hundreds of games and every accessory you could imagine.I had noticed it for sale in the newspaper just as an aside I mentioned to mom what a great deal that was for who ever bought it, a month later on my birthday mum yells breakfasts ready and there were 2 large boxes sitting on the kitchen table with a happy birthday note that read "I know I told you not to play with your food at the breakfast table but since it's your birthday, I will make an exception happy birthday idiot boy". and that was followed a few years later by me buying an Amiga 600. so I have loved enjoying  his games over the journey but sadly even if he created another hit  no more because the last I saw he was defending his decision to crowd fund his next game and his response when asked why someone who's years in the industry have made him a multi millionaire with access to publishers was crowdfunding, his answer was just because I have the money and means doesn't take away my right to use crowdfunding.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot