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Also when I fully focus in Brawl, the stuff that I can pull off at that level of play (with shiek; believe that) would would probably (If I ever get captured on video) make people think wtf? how?

Brawl requires a pulling back on every aspect of the game at very high level play, even crawling can determine win/lose in abstract ways - the hand eye reaction time needs to be super amazing - although online that gets harder.

I'm not going to go at length as to what I mean, but I will say that be it melee or brawl, a novice will look at the game and wonder if their isn't anything more? A mid level player will usually be so content with their ability that they will be blinded from the depth and potential of the games physics, a pro by technicality will find what works and use it to it's full potential, but a master of melee or brawl will use every aspect of the game to benefit them, mainly because they can use most all of the characters enough to know the punishable moves.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D