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All this conjecture is based upon one pre-order ad from Yes Asia. No other source available to substantiate this, and yet most of the people responding to this thread have already accepted it is being a confirmed fact.

Never underestimate the willingness of people to believe the implausible.

Use your head. If the game fits on a DVD9, the game is no larger than 8.54GB (more accurately, 7.95GB considering that a gigabyte is actually 1,024MB, not 1,000MB).

"One form of DVD discs that means a single-sided dual-layer DVD disc. DVD-9 can hold approximately 7.95 gigabytes of data, even though marketers like to use the 8.5GB value instead, but this is misleading and is calculated by using so-called "Japanese gigabytes" which means that gigabyte is calculated as 1,000 megabytes, but in real computer terminology, gigabyte is 1,024 megabytes."

So according to some guy who typed in the ad for Yes Asia, the game requires more install/save data space than actual game data itself. Because that's who everybody is believing who has accepted this as a confirmed fact.