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Runa216 said:

I find it disheartening that the entire crux of this argument and the divide between being on one side or the other is whether or not a person cares about monetary value or literally everything else.

Like, the ONLY argument that's pro-subscription is that it's 'cheaper' or 'a better value' or 'gives you more bang for your buck', without considering any other factors. Like, don't get me wrong, I GET it, I understand why this is such a good value, and I do see why you might like it for kids or people who don't really care all that much about ownership, but there are so many other factors to think about for true gamers, collectors, trophy hunters, etc. It's kinda sad that so many are arguing for the services as though the value proposition is all that matters, devaluing the arguments of those who don't find that a factor at all.

Like, money isn't a factor to me at all. I mean, I don't have much money (I'm certifiably poor as fuck), but video Games and my pets are basically all I spend money on outside of bills so I don't care much about the value. What I DO care about is the freedom of ownership, the physical collection, the filled shelves, the ever-expanding need for external hard drives to hold it all, and not having to stream or redownload stuff (I know GamePass doesn't do streaming, but PSNow does and I have 0 interest in it).

My point is, it really is or should be a 50/50 debate based on what matters to you, but reading this thread gives me some weird impression there's more malice and aggression just below the surface than there really should be. like it's a fight just waiting to break out, not a discussion.


How the hell does using a service like gamepass make you "not a true gamer" like this implies?  This is not a matter of value or if the person would get the full value because they only play a few games a year, I just want to know exactly what the implication is here.  Because I play 90% of my games to main content completion be it from gamepass or retail, and this makes no sense to me.

Also for Trophy/Achievement hunters, one could argue that gamepass is a godsend for them.  I know a few people that has had their Achievement Score skyrocket because of gamepass, just because there is that many more games to get Achievements from.  So this is counter to your example.

Again, I agree that it should be a 50/50 split.  Services are not for everyone, and not everyone is going to see the full value if they do not play games as much as others.  I just don't see why you would use those two examples as factors that would deter someone from gamepass in any way, shape, or form.

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