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Finally, here are the news (it's been a bit more than 30'):


Cyberpunk 2077 sold 13.7 million copies in 2020, The Witcher 3 surpassed 30 million sales
In December, CD Projekt RED revealed that Cyberpunk 2077 had sold 13 million copies. And today, during its latest investor call, the team revealed that the game sold 13.7 million copies in total in 2020.
As CDPR revealed in January 2021, 80% of the game’s digital sales are coming from the PC.
Moreover, the team announced that The Witcher 3 has sold over 30 million copies. Additionally, the Witcher franchise has sold over 50 million copies.

Alien Isolation is available for free on Epic Games Store
Epic Games has announced that Alien Isolation is available for free on Epic Games Store for a limited time. From today and until April 29th, PC gamers can visit its EGS page and acquire their free copy. This is the second time that EGS is offering this Alien game for free.
You can acquire your free copy of Alien Isolation from here. Additionally, Hand of Fate 2 is also available for free.
>> Next weeh there will only be one free game (so far): "Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms"

There are four new deals at Humble:

Fanatical is busy with its Insanity Sale. Have you checked it today?




Valheim gets a new 1.1GB HD Texture Pack, overhauling most of its textures
Modder ‘Willybach’ released earlier this week a 1.1GB HD Texture Pack for Valheim that aims to improve most of its textures. This pack covers most Biomes so far and many Building and Crafting textures. Furthermore, and by using AI techniques, it tries to stay as close to the vanilla textures as possible.
As the modder noted, loading times are drastically reduced, as well as performance. Additionally, this pack does not suffer from an issue that reverted rocks back to their vanilla textures. (...)
You can download this HD Texture Pack from here. In case you do not like it, we suggest downloading this one from aC0C0NUT.

This Valheim mod adds the perfect Viking mount: a bright blue car
With no mounts to speak of, players only have a few ways to get around in Viking survival game Valheim. They can run, they can sail, and they can fast-travel with portals. And that's really about it. Feels to me like something's missing.
No, not horses. Cars! Frankly, it's hard to believe the creators of Valheim didn't think to put a bright blue, eight-wheeled automobile in the game themselves. Historically, Vikings drove jacked-up 1983 Lincoln Continentals, right?
I gave Valhiem's Drivable Vehicle Mod a little test run and it's kinda great, honestly. With the mod installed, tap T to spawn your shiny blue whip—it pops into the world without the parking brake on, so be warned and try not to do it on a hillside.


Tales of Arise PC Requirements
Bandai Namco has launched the Steam store page for Tales of Arise, revealing its official PC requirements. According to the specs, the game will require 45GB of free hard disk space, and will be using the DX11 API.

Star Citizen Alpha 3.13: Underground Infamy is now available for download
Cloud Imperium Games has announced the launch of the Star Citizen Alpha 3.13: Underground Infamy update. This update is currently available to all active and new Star Citizen players. Additionaly, this update introduces for the first-time a variety of new features, systems, and content.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is free to play on Steam until this Sunday
In order to celebrate the release of the Chaos Wastes Update, Warhammer: Vermintide 2 goes free to play this weekend on Steam. From today and until this Sunday, PC gamers can download and play the game.
>> And also 75% off.

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin PC Requirements, will be using Denuvo
Capcom has launched the Steam store page for Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin and revealed its official PC system requirements. Moreover, the company has confirmed that it will be using the Denuvo anti-tamper tech.

New gameplay trailer for Blood Bowl 3 focuses on the Black Orcs Team
NACON and Cyanide Studio released a new gameplay trailer for Blood Bowl 3. This new trailer focuses on the Black Orcs team. According to the devs, the Black Orcs will be a formidable race in Blood Bowl 3.

Here are the key features of Fallout 76’s The Locked and Loaded Update
Bethesda has revealed the key features of Fallout 76‘s next update which will release on April 27th, The Locked and Loaded. This Update will add an all-new game mode, S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Loadouts and C.A.M.P. Slots.

Chernobylite will leave Early Access and will fully release in July 2021
The Farm 51 has announced that Chernobylite will fully release in July 2021. In order to celebrate this announcement, the team released a brand new trailer that you can find below.

Multiple older builds of Alien Resurrection have been leaked online
While Alien Resurrection never came out on PC, PC gamers can already play it by using a Playstation emulator. And, from the looks of it, a former Argonaut Games developer has leaked multiple older builds from it.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.