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Leynos said:

Dude, you can hardly write a sentence let alone make an argument about technical details about hardware. You clearly have no clue what you are even talking about. At this point, you just want to be right even tho you are not and just don't get it. So you either really fail simple understanding or you are purposefully digging a hole until you try and force someone to agree with you. This is not the hill to die on.

Or you just ignored what i said, i mainly compared their own graphic.

Pemalite said:
Leynos said:

".I said if 3ds/new 3ds is more stronger 2-3 times than they are now, their's graphic can blow the Wii out of water."

This makes no sense. I think I know what you're trying to say. No. 3DS is weaker than Wii. A mobile chip from 2005 is not stronger than a 2006 console.

To be fair the Wii was built on 2001 hardware.
But you are absolutely right that the Wii holds the technical edge, but not as much as people might think.

The 3DS actually had better shader capabilities than the Wii, but the Wii could push more Polygons.

The New 3DS XL however, if it was 2-3x more powerful, it would definitely be technically better than the Wii in every regard I imagine.

Exactly, if 3ds was 2-3x more powerful, it would definitely have way better graphic than the GC.

And if New 3ds was 2-3x more powerful, it would definitely have way better graphic than the Wii.

But, clearly he didn't even understand what i meant.

curl-6 said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

God of Wars vita run worse than ps2 ver, so vita was weaker than ps2?


Here is 3ds vs ps2 hardware:

Vita is actually not as capable as PS2 in some specific areas. But there are examples of PS2 ports that are superior on Vita. Every Wii port to 3DS though is worse, because the hardware is simply less capable.

And your source doesn't demonstrate your point as (a) nobody said 3DS was weaker than the PS2 and (b) the comparison you linked only compared memory and CPU clocks which proves nothing; PS4 is lower clocked than the Xbox 360 for example but it's much more powerful hardware overall.

You keep going off on tangents that aren't even what's under discussion and digging yourself deeper, you need to just let this one go man.

    It mentioned this:

    Why is Nintendo 3DS better than Sony PlayStation 2?

    1.82x faster CPU speed:

    2 x 0.268GHzvs1 x 0.295GHz

    93.75MB more RAM memory:


    And here:

    PS2: 6.2 GFLOPS
    3ds: 6.4 GFLOPS

    3ds is better than ps2 in almost everyway except resolution.

    And all of ps2 games for vita, they are actually ps3 ports, just like RedKingXIII said.

    RedKingXIII said:
    HoangNhatAnh said:

    God of Wars vita run worse than ps2 ver, so vita was weaker than ps2?


    Here is 3ds vs ps2 hardware:

    I may be wrong, but I think this is the case for every PS2 remaster on Vita that I can think of. They're not based on the original PS2 versions, They're based on the PS3 Remasters.

    See Jak and Dexter, MGS HD Collection, FFX HD Remaster, GoW Collection, Ratchet and Clank HD Trilogy, The Sly Collection... All of these have PS3 versions as well. And that's why some of these ports run worse on Vita than their original PS2 versions, they're not ports of the original PS2 game upscaled for Vita, they're ports of the PS3 versions... downgraded for the Vita.

    Correct, this is why.