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twintail said:
EnricoPallazzo said:

It seems Jim Ryan said no to Kojima's next project (rumour).
Interesting decision. It's like saying "sorry, go check if microsoft wants to fund you instead". You are basically throwing Kojima on microsoft's hands. Death Stranding was not as successful as everyone expected but Kojima is still a big name, you are giving the chance of your competitor release a new great exclusive.

Thanks for stating the obvious Enrico. Of course Jim Ryan would know that Kojima going to ask MS was a real possibility. 

Without any context (or validation of this rumour for that matter) it's difficult to ascertain anything from this. Maybe Kojima's expected budget it too high. Maybe he wanted certain allowances that Sony don't even offer their own teams. 

There's a rumour that this game is episodic and cloud-based. If that is the case, then Ryan declining the project would make a lot of sense. Sony don't do episodic. They also can't do a cloud-based game. 

Always glad to help!