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Great day to cycle, well mostly.

The weather was there, unfortunately due to the recently imposed stay at home order, there were more people on the trails than I have ever seen before. After I got off the bike trail, the roads were just as busy. And all along the way people thought it a good idea to burn their yard trash and other stuff, smoke plumes all around, air quality very poor. Everything else was still very brown, the color coming from the trash exposed after the snow left, before the ground cover grows over it. Humanity sucks!

Tbh, I enjoy jogging more atm, isolated trail in a more difficult to access area, very quiet, much better.

Let this pandemic be over some time, gimme my quiet bike trails and empty B roads back :) There are still places I can go, all gravel roads though, not all that comfortable, but quiet because of that. Better than the constant cars accelerating next to you (they always slow down here even though you're not in the actual lane, just to punch the gas next to you) or constantly slowing down for the wide side by side cyclers or three wide walkers on the bike trails. Plus people always tend to stop on crossings and in gates blocking the way, exhausting!

Anyways, still nice to get out. Seeing the devastation done near the start of my route (new commercial development) put me in the wrong mood. Canada is huge, but apparently we must put all the people on top of each other! Perhaps it's time to start looking for a place up north :)