RolStoppable said: 2021 is looking good with its baseline of ~400k units per week. So despite its YOY lead being bound to shrink in the coming weeks, 2021 should be able to weather the storm and remain competitive with 2020 for a long time. Right now I'd call the biggest factor of uncertainty for 2021 to become Switch's new peak year the situation that we don't know how many weeks 2021 will have in VGC's tracking. 2020 had 53 weeks, so it's more likely that 2021 will have only 52 weeks. Regardless, 2021's ace up its sleeve is a hardware revision which we'll get on top of a stronger holiday lineup than last year's. So even if 2021 falls behind 2020 at some point, the outlook for its backend is notably more favorable. But it's possible that 2021 may stay ahead for good, because 2020 ran into shortages during May and June which resulted in a baseline below 400k units for a good while. |
2021 should be the 52 weeks ending 1st Jan 2022 as I understand it. So a YOY direct comparison would be the 52 weeks ending 2nd Jan 2021.
That means VGC firgure for 2020 the Switch had a 459k advanatage as it had to include that extra week ending Jan 4th 2020, so for 2021 anything above 27,840,000 means the Switch's new peak.