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Words Of Wisdom said:

I guess my position is:  Knowledge of video game sales is not relevant to a gamer whose only interest is putting a game into her console and playing it.


 Damn, that would be a horrid thing to be for me. That would be like existing as a very, very primitive, basic sort of consumer.

Some are of the opinion that true fans of a form of entertainment don't just listen to songs, watch a movie or a sporting event and then forget about the object of their interest.

Dedicated fans like to discuss the state of the industry, the good or bad quality of movies or music albums in a particular era, what's book is hot in the market, what they would like to change about their favorite work of art, what they would do to improve their favorite sports team, etc.

The fact that you participate in these forums indicates to me that you are way more sophisticated than that, Words.

Make sure the shadow you chase is not the one you cast.