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Ka-pi96 said:
Rab said:

This sounds all very defeatist, just accepting this unfair situation as being normal

Unions and employment laws exist for a reason, back at the beginning of the industrial revolution workers including many children were paid and could leave (not slaves) but were terribly exploited by the owners and managers, we live in a better working world today because people had so called "pity parties" to bring up and fight against these issues that for many was just normal business at the time, but some outstanding/brave people said 'that is not good enough', now we have a new normal, and even though better, it's still not good enough, we are an evolving society   

I also stand up for what I believe in  

What exactly do you want though?

The CEO to not have gotten a bonus? You can argue about the morals of it, that's fine. But if you're saying it shouldn't even be legal then you're saying the government should tell people what they can and can't do with their own money. That's even more unfair IMO. If the company wants to give him that money then they should have every right to do so.

The people shouldn't have been fired? So you think companies should be forced to employ and pay people that they don't want or need? That too is much more unfair as far as I'm concerned. If I had a house with a garden and employed a gardener to tend to it but then moved to a new house with no garden why should I continue to pay the gardener? That would be ridiculous.

That's also an apt comparison since Activision Blizzard are saying the layoffs are due to a transition to more digital distribution and events rather than physical stuff and live events. If they're not doing those things anymore then why should they still pay people to stand around and do nothing?

Besides, a lot of the layoffs are in Europe, and like you said there are employment laws for a reason so they'll probably be getting a big final paycheque that will help tide them over while they find a new job, plus Europe has plenty of welfare systems in place too so even if they struggle to find a new job for awhile it still may not be an issue.

Would society be better off with a CEO making a 200M$ bonus, or, a CEO making a 10M$ bonus and the 190M$ being paid as bonus to it's employees? (real economics question)

All of you who argue this dumbfounded logic that he got paid what the ''market equilibrium'' was offering for his position. The ultimate goal in economics is to maximize market efficiency, and thus, maximize society's utility surplus.

Real question, looking forward to your answer!

Last edited by benji232 - on 22 March 2021

Predictions for LT console sales:

PS4: 120M

XB1: 70M

WiiU: 14M

3DS: 60M

Vita: 13M