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I beat Luigi's Mansion 1 today for the first time on an emulator. What started as a fairly charming game with a lot of grating nitpicks ended up being a very satisfying ending. The "final bosses" for each chapter are probably the best bosses I've ever seen in a Nintendo game (as well as the twins boss fight, which were just normal ghost bosses), and the creativity of the more psychedelic and even surprisingly edgy moments in the game is astounding. I still had a lot of problems with the game, but the ending was such a high note, as well as the final chapter in general, that I can't help but acknowledge it as a really really great game.

Now I'm going to start ..... 2. Not really looking forward to it. I AM looking forward to playing 3, though I know the appeal of it is quite different from the originals. I played probably about 35% of Luigi's Mansion 3 and really enjoyed what I played.