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How does one even ask this question? There is no company even remotely in Blizzard's league.

Blizzard has released nothing but near perfect games for 13 years. 13 years without one misstep. The last mediocre game they released was 'Justice League Task Force'. They've canceled two games, 'Warcraft Adventures' and 'Starcraft: Ghost', in fear that they might not be up to the standard expected from Blizzard. Despite both of those games (judging from leaked early builds and demos at conventions) being better than many companies flagship titles.

Since 1995:
Warcraft 2 + Expansion: One of the greatest RTS of all time, and definitely of it's time.

Diablo: A simple but ultimately addictive game that has influenced many future games including Bioware's Baldur Gate series.

Starcraft + Expansion: The greatest RTS of all time. 10 years later and there are still 100s of thousands of people playing it nightly.

Diablo 2 + Expansion: A natural evolution of the genre-defining first game.

Warcraft 3 + Expansion: Jarring, because it took a chance with it's hero system. But still an immensely fun and engrossing game.

World of Warcraft + Expansion: The greatest MMO ever made. While MMO's are not everyone's cup of tea, denying that this isn't the best of the genre only means you haven't played it.

Bioware has released good, but not great games.

Shattered Steel: I've never played it personally. Some kind of Mechwarrior clone?

Baldur's Gate + Expansion: An excellent game that probably wouldn't have happened without Diablo's inspiration two years prior. But definitely an improvement and excellent game.

MDK2: A funny and fun 3rd-person shooter. But not necessarily a praise-worthy game of amazement.

Baldur's Gate 2 + Expansion: One of the best, if not the best of the Isometric RPGs.

Neverwinter Nights + 3 expansions: A mediocre single-player game, but amazing online with it's user-generated content.

KOTOR: A great game, responsible for introducing the light/dark mechanic.

Jade Empire: I never played, I've heard both good and bad but leaning towards the positive.

Mass Effect: Fun, but hindered by having what... 3 dungeons? Space station dungeon, lab dungeon, cave dungeon. And don't get me started on the vehicle missions. Other than it's phenomenal graphics and story, it was actually a step-back from it's spiritual predecessor 'KOTOR'.

So in the past 13 years: 6 AAA games and 5 expansions for Blizzard and 8 games (only 3 of which I'd consider AAA) and 5 expansions for Bioware. While Bioware is an excellent video game company, they're not Blizzard. No company is other than Blizzard itself.