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Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

Randomised skill inheritance. When you chose two demons to fuse, the game would tell you what skills the final demon would inherit before you decide to complete the fusion. The skills are chosen randomly, and if you decided to cancel the fusion and chose to fuse the same two demons again, the game would chose the skills to be inherited at random again. This meant if you wanted the final demon to inherit a specific group of skills from the fused demons (which you basically always did), you had to repeat attempting and canceling fusions until that group of skills is randomly chosen. Which is ****ing gay, and could waste a lot of time. Why couldn't you just let us choose which skills we wanted to be inherited, Atlus?

Auto kill attacks. In SMT: Nocturne (a JRPG), when your protagonist dies, it's game over and you have to restart from the last save point (and save points are few and far between in this game). Normal enemies are already a bitch, but then they decide to give some of your enemies attacks that automatically kill (though, they have low accuracy). You do get a skill that blocks these type of attacks, but having to do this in every battle to stop you getting haxed out of an hour of playtime isn't cool.

Though, other than these two points SMT: Nocturne is about as good as a tradition JRPG will ever get.

Shadow of the Colossus:

Too many humanoid colossi. The other colossi were much more interesting, in my opinion.

Not enough to do other than the colossi. Things like environmental puzzles would be fun. Stuff like climbing the temple.


Nothing, really. Everything about the game seems to be subjective. It's like looking for ways to improve a game's art design. You can't objectively improve art design. All you can do is change it so that you like it more. And you can't even think of a way change art design to make it so you like it more. I guess what I'm saying is ICO could be better, but I have no idea how to make it better.