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wfz said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Soleron said:
wfz said:

I just thought of something. Why the hell do they call it Social Studies until you get into High School, and then call it History from there on out? This is how it is in the USA at least. Why the hell not just call it History for all school years?


Social Studies = Geography + History + Some RE.

I went to an American primary elementary school in Texas and they used the combined subject to sideline Geography (I could name more U.S. states than anyone else in my class despite the fact they were American and I was Foreign.) and teach about the Alamo over and over for three years. And how the "Indians" deserved to be killed. And probably some Founding Fathers. No world history. No proper Geography. Just The Alamo and Davy Crockett's Last Stand. I'm glad I missed American high school...


Holy hell. That's gotta be a Texas thing. I went to a private Catholic high school in California, and the history wasn't half that bad. I mean, it was still American, so we ignored all the horrors and invasions and bombings America's been responsible for, and skipped geography, but we didn't say anybody DESERVED anything, or waste time on the Alamo and Davy Crockett. It was like "blah blah blah, Louisiana Purchase, the Gold Rush, Monroe Doctrine, blah blah blah."

Huh, I guess it was crap, now that I think of it. Still not as bad as Texas though. Damn.


It is possible that he's just blowing hot air from his mouth to make America (or Texas) look bad, but I don't know him well enough. If he was telling the truth, then holy hell is right. He must have been to some really messed up school in Texas. I've been going to public school here in california my entire life and I've never experienced any of what he just said. We did geography, we had to memorize all the states in 5th (or 6th?) grade, and we learned about all the continents and other main countries around the world. Slavery was never talked about in a good light, and neither the Indian abuse. In fact, the "trail of a thousand tears" (or something close to that) was talked about many times.

I don't want to sound mean to Soleron, because he very well could be telling the truth, but to be honest that sounds like your run-of-the-mill horrible USA stereotype I hear people who hate the USA say all the time.

Having lived in Texas, I can believe it. There's a lot of closemindedness down there. Having gone through the New York City school system, we learned geography, Indian persecution, slavery, all the negatives at least up until the civil rights movement, of our country. The civil war wasnt harped on too much, where down in the southern states, it is called "the war of northern aggression" and taught that way to students.