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Graduating college and becoming unemployable is a sad future that a lot of Autistic people may face if they waste their time studying. There are far too many graduates and not enough jobs.

An Autistic person is socially challenged and is unlikely to form a network that is needed to become employable with a college education. Plenty of the popular low achieving extroverted students with networks get jobs instead of the high achieving Autistic kids at college. Autistic kids at college have to achieve higher results to get a job than people that have good social networks. An Autistic kid barely passing or getting average marks is unlikely to get a job and is wasting his/her time at college. An Autistic kid who is a socially awkward introvert has to achieve high marks to counteract the lack of social network.

Social network is everything when it comes to employment opportunities and high marks are needed by Autistic people to make up for the lack of social/communication skills. Job interviews weed out the social challenged applicants that performed well in academics but struggle to hold a conversation. Most jobs require decent social/communication skills that do not come naturally to Autistic people

The OP has been able to overcome his social challenges and get a job despite the odds being stacked against him. It is hard convincing employers that you are worth employing when you have a disability. An employer will often employ an able person ahead of a disabled person. Employers attitudes will not change unless their are Anti-Discrimination laws that mandate employers must employ a quota of disabled people to comply with the law. 

Last edited by Phoenix20 - on 04 March 2021