RolStoppable said:
Boss fights are meant to be like that. The battle system is fundamentally flawed, so the usual strategy for every boss fight is to default your party until you have built up 3 excess turns, then unleash 4 turns of your powerful skills at once. Rinse and repeat. This way you won't run into the problem of your party members being unable to act, as opposed to using the brave command right away and going into minus turns. If you are lacking powerful skills, you are supposed to grind for them. The Bravely series is extremely heavy on grinding. For that, you may opt to play on easy difficulty and go all out brave at the start of the battle, using 4 turns at once to kill all enemies before they can even act. Best case is that your party can do this with regular attacks only, so you can activate auto-battle and have your party repeat the same set of actions every time. |
I don't recall how that strategy may have worked in the older games, but here bosses generally have enough fire power to kill you through default if you tried to do it for several turns. They generally have henchmen that are powerful enough or attack with status or can buff their team, so that if you sit back and let them set up you'll be in bad shape.