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This thread rocks :) +7 kudo's to the creator ^^

This whole thing seems so pointless and silly. The Pro PS3 people say take a look at the exclusives, in which case the PS3 walks all over the 360 in terms of graphics, physics, draw distance, people on screen, effects, hell friggin name it. Then the 360 fans retort with "well look at the multi-plats", I mean is it just me or has it been proven that multi-plats are always technically underwhelming compared to exclusives considering you can't utilize a systems strengths?

Also in regards to multi-plats, lets not forget that the 360 had a year and change head start on development, here, lets go on a quick bus ride on our generation so far.

PS3 multi-plats worse than they're competition (potentially to blame on hardware learning >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (short time later) >>>>> PS3 multi-plats damn near on par with 360's >>>>>>>>>>>> (short time later) >>>>> Heavy debate over which multi-plats look better (GTA4, DMC4, COD4, Quake Wars, GRiD, Burnout, your face, your mom's face, possibly your dog's face.) Now I have a question, where does this bus-route go from here? Anyone seeing a slight trend? Maybe? No? Well I'll tell you where it's not going, the other goddamn direction >_> In such a short time (over the course of maybe a year) PS3 ports went from god awful to "Oh shit whats better? AA or Blur Effects? I dunno they damn near look the same but the choice is yours!".

And epic LOL @ the GPU stuff. I love that so many people have established that the better GPU is now the be-all end-all of what theses consoles can produce graphically, yet the PS3 exclusives sport higher poly counts, further draw distance, more effects on screen, etc etc etc, and yes according to reviewers the "best looking console games to date". So wait, it's been out a shorter period of time? Check. Has a worse GPU? Check. Is proven to be harder to work on due to new technology? Check. Has less super mega transplant bone marrow super bus overclocked niko ram technology? Check. Aside from all the nonsense I just listed. The 360 is claiming superior graphics, yet doesn't have them. Interesting... The ps3's been fighting an uphill battle to prove it's superiority and now 360 fans are defending they're stake against it o.O? Saying it can keep up just fine O.o? Does that mean you guys already accept that the PS3 is technically superior O.O?

So today, our graphical contest comes down to two companies. In the Microsoft corner we seem to have Epic, using an engine they've been tweaking since god took the rib from Adam, on PC's (which the 360 is supposed to be similar to), on a console that's been out a year and change longer than it's competition, on the second installment of the franchise giving it time for modification and tweaks, and with a better GPU and were having them duke it out with a game from Sony's corner, which is made by Gorilla Games (which many have claimed are the suxors and making teh gaymez, which I personally find wrong but whatever x.x), on the PS3 which is known for it's un-common architecture, on the first... installment of the series on said new hardware, using an engine built from the ground up :x From almost all aspects I can think of this is pathetic.

PS3 multi-plats are already getting much MUCH better and soon the entire point of having a multi-plat (identical games on all platforms) will be fully recognized. The differences now are so negligible it's sad whereas they used to be night and day. It's the exclusives we have to keep an eye on, and in that regard the 360 seems to be fighting that up-hill battle.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.