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Valdney said:
mZuzek said:

Zelda 2 is by far the game in the series in most need of a remake. It's the worst game in the series by far due to how obscure it can get to find key items and how punishing the game is with the game overs. It's hard, not in a fun or particularly fair way. Make it more accessible, less punishing, and prettier, and you find a pretty good game hidden underneath its issues.

C’mon man!! Zelda 2 is awesome and it is not that punishing. You simply lack perseverance. 😄

I actually find it pretty fair with its leveling system and how you actually get better at it the more you play it. The sense of growth in Zelda 2 is one of the best I’ve experienced in a vídeo game. You really get a sense of mastering the game. 

I mean, I kind of agree with you that those game over screens could be a little punishing on how they send you all the way back to the beginning of the map. It does need to be addressed in an eventual remake. 

Anyway. I said above that I would like a brand new 2d Zelda game, but I would gladly take it back if it were a Zelda 2 remake. It would actually be a dream come true. I absolutely love Zelda 2. 

I think I fall between you guys. I do think Zelda II is among the worst games in the series, but I also love certain elements of it -- particularly the tactical combat. I think the difficulty level is manageable,to a point. Once you get to the road to the Great Palace, however, it becomes excessively challenging. 

A few tweaks and it could be a great game. Remove the level cap, change those game overs, and reduce the difficulty of the final stretch (including Great Palace and the final boss).